Client: Selecto supports its electronic invoicing system for several companies with Mochweki hosting unlimited space, Sector: Industrial
Client's profile
Avirico Cia. Ltda. is the company that produces Selecto eggs, legally constituted in 1990. Its origins date back to 1965, when Mrs. Laura Torres, mother of the current shareholders, started the production of eggs with 200 hens, raised in a pen and mixing the feed ingredients with a handle shovel. Thanks to the initiative, perseverance and courage of our mother, the company currently has a capacity of 170,000 laying hens and a daily production of 130,000 eggs.
Select Eggs
Our product is the egg for human consumption. A product of high nutritional value; free of harmful chemical residues and pathogenic microorganisms; produced and classified under INEN standards and guaranteed with our SELECTO brand.
Business Needs
Selecto (Avirico) was looking for a system that could enable its clients to download their electronic documents through the web. The company has several related companies and uses its internal ERP, it wants to be integrated and reflected on the web. The solution, our unlimited space Mochweki system to contact your needs, I can meet the requirements.
To face these challenges, DIGITAL ARIAS and SELECTO implemented Mochweki, with a 100% remote work modality, satisfying the client's needs and delivery times.
Reliable website hosting
Affordable domain prices
a single platform
Your own username and password
Available in all languages
Intuitive and easy system