By Mauricio Arias, CHAIRMAN, CO-FOUNDER (Chairman of the Board, Co-Founder) of DIGITAL ARIAS
Let's start by defining what a Startup is, these types of companies are companies with high potential that present a different and challenging business model. That they are capable of solving a problem for many clients, companies or people. Initiatives that are willing to change the world. Yes to the world, it can sound a bit fanciful or dreamy. But its founders are called to do so.
It mainly occurs in the world of software or Tics. However, there are also in various industries, but we are going to focus today on the sector where I work.
Startups are born, in many cases, from real problems and anecdotes of their founders, stories told of past bad experiences or day-to-day needs. Facebook was a Startup, Google too, just to cite 2 examples. In the first case, the aim was to communicate to students within the university campus, and in the second case, to organize and have a search engine for things that its founders liked.
Now launching and maintaining a company of these characteristics is not an easy task, since you must first believe in the initiative and then recruit many to trust it. In most cases they are solutions that do not exist on the market or that complement something that already exists. Family, friends, angel investors, venture capital is what surrounds these entities in their early years to finance them.
A large part of these initiatives do not make it to the first year and what is worse, they do not make it past the fifth year. But we are not going to talk about this. Today we are going to understand why it is good to have a global vision and sell to the world.
Like any business and more in Startup, you must have a constant flow of income, the world is the market, there are better clients, large companies, with purchasing power and who appreciate the creativity and ingenuity of these companies. I am totally convinced that with the correct strategic approach they can be scaled and taken to the next level.
Speaking of Latin America, the potential to develop this type of initiative is great, not only because of the unmet needs to be fulfilled. If not for the creativity of its people and their desire to get ahead. This year large amounts of money will be invested in pre-seed capital, seed, venture capital. Several funds point to Latam. And as a politician told me yesterday, without money, what are we talking about? With enough capital these companies will make a big impact in their countries.
Resilience and perseverance characterize Startups, around them hundreds of stories of failures of their founders arise. And as they say out there "failing does not mean being a failure." Going broke, losing money and having a bad economic time does not mean that it will be forever. If it is in your head and spirit to do things differently, then you will get ahead. You'll do fine.
I call on its founders and managers to target their business efforts to countries around the world, sell to the world, in English, Chinese, Japanese, etc. The pandemic left us many lessons, in several cases irreplaceable human losses or sentimental losses. But the best thing was that remote work became more visible and changed the culture of many companies. In my case, I consider myself a digital nomad and I practice remote work forever from any city and country. Well now let's export our services and sell to the world. You have to do it.
At Digital Arias this year we are preparing to develop our own Startups and support new initiatives with our “DA Yuyana, Capital and Ventures” Program. If you think that your thing is to export services and sell outside the country of origin of its founders, then follow us on our social networks, subscribe to our newsletter and visit us at www.digitalarias.com
See you on the trips.
Greetings and a big hug from somewhere in the world.
Mauricio Arias
